Network Analyzers
HP 8753ET and 8753ES Network Analyzers
30 kHz to 3 or 6 GHz
This document describes the performance
and features of the following products:
HP 8753ES S-parameter vector network analyzer
HP 8753ES Option 011 vector network analyzer without test set
HP 8753ET Transmission/reflection vector network analyzer
For more information about these analyzers, please see the following documents:
HP literature number
HP 8753ET and 8753ES Network Analyzers Brochure
HP 8753ET and 8753ES Network Analyzers Configuration Guide
Definitions and test conditions
Measurement uncertainty
Specifications describe the instrument's warranted
performance after a half-hour warm-up and over the
temperature range of 25 ˚C 5 ˚C, unless otherwise
stated. Specifications for frequencies above 3 GHz do
not apply to instruments with Option 075 (75-ohm
Measurement uncertainty curves utilize a Root Sum
Square (RSS) model for the contribution of random
errors such as noise, typical connector repeatabilities,
and test set switching; this is combined with a worst-
case model for the contributions of dynamic accuracy
and residual systematic errors.
Supplemental characteristics are typical but non-war-
ranted performance parameters. These are denoted as
“typical,” “nominal,” or “approximate.”
Curves show the worst-case magnitude and phase
uncertainty for reflection and transmission measure-
ments, after a full two-port error correction for the
HP 8753ES and enhanced-response error correction
for the HP 8753ET (including isolation with an averag-
ing factor of 16) using the specified cal kit, with 10 Hz
IF bandwidth (BW) and no averaging.
The measurement uncertainty curves and measure-
ment port characteristics given for HP 8753ES
systems also apply to the HP 8753ES with Options 006
and 011 and the HP 85047A test set (50-ohm), or the
HP 8753ES Option 011 with an HP 85046B test set
Measurement port characteristics
Characteristics show the residual system uncertainties
for uncorrected performance and after accuracy
enhancement using full two-port error correction for
the HP 8753ES and enhanced-response error correc-
tion for the HP 8753ET. These characteristics apply
for an environmental temperature of 25 5 ˚C, with
less than 1 ˚C deviation from the calibration tempera-
ture. HP 8753ET Option 004 may degrade transmission
source match as much as 2 dB, resulting in up to 0.05
dB additional uncertainty in transmission tracking.
Dynamic range
System dynamic range is calculated as the difference
between the receiver noise floor and the lesser of
either the source maximum output or the receiver
maximum input level. System dynamic range applies to
transmission measurements only, since reflection mea-
surements are limited by directivity.
Noise floor is specified as the mean of the noise trace
over frequency. Noise floor is measured with the test
ports terminated in loads, full two-port error correc-
tion for the HP 8753ES and enhanced-response error
correction for the HP 8753ET (with 16 averages used
during isolation), 10 Hz IF bandwidth (BW), maximum
test port power, and no averaging during the measure-
Corrected performance indicates residual error after
calibration. It is determined by the quality of calibra-
tion standards, system repeatability, stability, and
Uncorrected performance indicates intrinsic errors
without calibration correction applied. This is related
to the ultimate stability of a calibration.
Measurement port characteristics
System performance summaries
HP 8753ES (50-ohm systems)
7-mm test ports
Frequency range
300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz
Corrected 30 kHz-300 kHz
3 GHz- 6 GHz
46 dB
Source match
Load match
55 dB
55 dB
55 dB
55 dB
51 dB
55 dB
51 dB
49 dB
51 dB
43 dB
46 dB
Network analyzer
HP 8753ES
(0.001 dB
(0.001 dB
(0.005 dB
(0.020 dB
Standard and Option 006
HP 85031B
+0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.01 dB/˚C)
+0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.03 dB/˚C)
Calibration kit
(0.008 dB
(0.006 dB
(0.009 dB
(0.021 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.01 dB/˚C)
+0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.03 dB/˚C)
Test-port cables
HP 11857D
Source match
Load match
20 dB*
18 dB**
18 dB**
2.5 dB
35 dB
16 dB
18 dB
1 dB
30 dB
16 dB
16 dB
1 dB
25 dB
14 dB
14 dB
1.5 dB
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz
50 kHz to 300 kHz
300 kHz to 16 MHz
16 MHz to 3 GHz
Option 014
70 dB1
90 dB1
100 dB
110 dB
108 dB
105 dB
103 dB
2.5 dB
1 dB
1 dB
1.5 dB
90 dB
*15 dB, 30 kHz to 50 kHz
***60dB, 30 kHz to 50 kHz
90 dB***
100 dB
**10 dB, 30 kHz to 50 kHz
100 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Option 014
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
Typical below 300 kHz.
Typical performance.
Measurement port characteristics
System performance summaries
Frequency range
HP 8753ES (50-ohm systems)
Type-N test ports
30 kHz-300 kHz
300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz
3 GHz-6 GHz
40 dB
31 dB
40 dB
(0.070 dB
+0.03 dB/˚C)
50 dB
50 dB
42 dB
50 dB
47 dB
36 dB
47 dB
(0.019 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
Source match 49 dB
Load match
50 dB
Network analyzer
HP 8753ES
(0.005 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
(0.009 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C)
Standard and Option 006
HP 85032B
Calibration kit
(0.014 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
(0.013 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C)
(0.026 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
(0.065 dB
+0.03 dB/˚C)
Test-port cables
HP 11857D
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz
50 kHz to 300 kHz
300 kHz to 16 MHz
16 MHz to 3 GHz
Option 014
70 dB1
90 dB1
100 dB
110 dB
108 dB
105 dB
103 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Option 014
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.
System performance summaries
Measurement port characteristics
HP 8753ES (50-ohm systems)
3.5-mm test ports
Frequency range
Corrected 30 kHz-300 kHz 300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz 3 GHz-6 GHz
Source match 49 dB
Load match
49 dB
46 dB
44 dB
46 dB
44 dB
41 dB
44 dB
38 dB
37 dB
38 dB
Network analyzer
HP 8753ES
Standard and Option 006
HP 85033D
49 dB
(0.010 dB (0.005 dB
(0.007 dB
(0.009 dB
Calibration kit
Test-port cables
+0.02/˚C) +0.01/˚C)
HP 11857D
(0.016 dB (0.014 dB
+0.02/˚C) +0.01/˚C)
(0.022 dB
(0.048 dB
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz
50 kHz to 300 kHz
300 kHz to 16 MHz
16 MHz to 3 GHz
Option 014
70 dB1
90 dB1
100 dB
110 dB
108 dB
105 dB
103 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Option 014
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.
Measurement port characteristics
System performance summaries
Frequency range
HP 8753ES (75-ohm systems)
Type-N test ports
30 kHz - 300 kHz
48 dB
300 kHz - 1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz - 3 GHz
Source match
Load match
48 dB
41 dB
48 dB
43 dB
35 dB
43 dB
47 dB
48 dB
Network analyzer
Calibration kit
Test-port cables
HP 8753ES Option 075
HP 85036B
HP 11857B
(0.004 dB
(0.010 dB
(0.019 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.01 dB/˚C)
+0.02 dB/˚C)
0.018 dB
(0.016 dB
(0.033 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.01 dB/˚C)
+0.02 dB/˚C)
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz
50 kHz to 300 kHz
300 kHz to 16 MHz
16 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncorrected2 30 kHz - 300 kHz
300 kHz - 1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz - 3 GHz
68 dB1
90 dB1
96 dB
Source match
Load match
20 dB*
16 dB**
15 dB**
2.5 dB
35 dB
16 dB
18 dB
1 dB
30 dB
16 dB
16 dB
1 dB
106 dB
2.5 dB
1 dB
1 dB
90 dB***
100 dB
100 dB
* 15 dB, 30 to 50 kHz
**10 dB, 30 to 50 kHz
*** 60 dB, 30 to 50 kHz
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.
Measurement port characteristics
Data is shown for a Type-F female reflection port and a
Type-F male transmission port.
System performance summaries
HP 8753ES (75-ohm systems)
Type-F test ports
Frequency range
30 kHz-300 kHz
45 dB
300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3 GHz
45 dB
Network analyzer
Calibration kit
Test-port cables
HP 8753E Option 075
HP 85039B
HP 11857B
Source match
Load match
40 dB
30 dB
40 dB
40 dB
40 dB
45 dB
45 dB
(0.060 dB
(0.060 dB
(0.024 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
System dynamic range
30 kHz to 50 kHz
50 kHz to 300 kHz
300 kHz to 16 MHz
16 MHz to 3 GHz
68 dB1
90 dB1
96 dB
(0.033 dB
+0.02 dB/˚C)
(0.019 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
(0.057 dB
106 dB
Reflection uncertainty
Transmission uncertainty
1. Typical below 300 kHz.
2. Typical performance.
Frequency range (continued)
System performance summaries
HP 8753ET (50-ohm systems)
Type-N test ports
300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3.0 GHz 3.0 GHz-6.0 GHz
Reflection measurements
50 dB
42 dB
47 dB
36 dB
40 dB
31 dB
Source match
Load match
One-port cal
24 dB
19 dB
16 dB
16 dB
(0.07 dB
+0.03 dB/˚C)
Network analyzer
HP 8753ET Standard,
Option 006 or Option 004
HP 85032B
Enhanced reflection cal 24 dB
19 dB
Reflection tracking
(0.009 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
(0.019 dB
Calibration kit
Test port cable
HP part number 8120-4781
Transmission measurements
Source match
Enhanced-response cal 42 dB
36 dB
20 dB
31 dB
14 dB
System dynamic range
300 kHz to 16 MHz
16 MHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Response-only cal
Transmission tracking
Enhanced-response cal
25 dB
100 dB
110 dB
105 dB
(0.006 dB
(0.018 dB
(0.054 dB
+0.03 dB/˚C)
(0.27 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
Response-only cal
(0.033 dB
(0.1 dB
+0.01 dB/˚C) +0.02 dB/˚C)
+0.03 dB/˚C)
Measurement port characteristics
Frequency range
300 kHz-1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz-3.0 GHz 3.0 GHz-6.0 GHz
Source match
Load match
30 dB
25 dB
24 dB
1.0 dB
1.5 dB
100 dB
24 dB
20 dB
19 dB
1.0 dB
1.5 dB
100 dB
19 dB
14 dB
16 dB
2.0 dB
2.5 dB
90 dB
Reflection tracking
Transmission tracking
Transmission uncertainty:
(enhanced-response calibration
Transmission uncertainty
(response calibration)
Reflection uncertainty
(one-port calibration)
1. One-port or enhanced-response calibration.
2. Enhanced-response or response-only calibration.
3. 2 dB less with Option 004.
4. Option 004 may degrade uncorrected source match as much as 2 dB.
Test port input characteristics
HP 8753ES specifications
Frequency range
30 kHz to 3 GHz
Test-port output characteristics7
Frequency characteristics
Option 006
30 kHz to 6 GHz
Average noise level2,8
<3 GHz
Option 006
30 kHz to 3 GHz
30 kHz to 6 GHz
1 Hz
7.5 ppm (0˚ to 55 ˚C)
3 ppm/year
<-82 dBm (3 kHz BW)
<-102 dBm (10 Hz BW)
<-110 dBm (10 Hz BW) typical
<-77 dBm (3 kHz BW)
<-97 dBm (10 Hz BW)
<-105 dBm (10 Hz BW) typical
10 dBm
<3 GHz
<3 GHz
3 to 6 GHz
3 to 6 GHz
Option 1D5
10 ppm at 25 ˚C 5 ˚C
0.05 ppm (0˚ to 55 ˚C),
0.5 ppm/year
-85 to +10 dBm
-85 to +8 dBm
3 to 6 GHz
Maximum input level
Damage level
26 dBm or 35 VDC
50 Ω (nominal)
Power range2
Option 075/014
Option 075
Frequency response2,5
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Power sweep range 25 dB (typically 31 dB)
1.0 dB
2.0 dB
0.01 dB
1.0 dB
Level accuracy1,2,5
Internally generated harmonics (Option 002)
Level linearity1,2,5 -15 dBm to +5 dBm 0.2 dB
2nd harmonic3
<-15 dBc at +8 dBm
<-30 dBc at 0 dBm9
<-45 dBc at -15 dBm9
<-30 dBc at +8 dBm
<-50 dBc at 0 dBm9
<-50 dBc at -15 dBm9
5 dBm to 10 dBm6 0.5 dB
50 Ω (nominal)
3rd harmonic4
30 kHz to 3 GHz >16 dB RL (<1.38 SWR)
3 GHz to 6 GHz >14 dB RL (<1.50 SWR)
Option 075
30 kHz to 3 GHz >16 dB RL (<1.38 SWR)
Harmonic measurement accuracy10
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Harmonic measurement dynamic range
-40 dBc (output = -10 dBm, input = <-15 dBm)9
Frequency offset mode11
1.5 dB
3 dB (Option 006)
Spectral purity
2nd harmonic3 <-40 dBc at 0 dBm
<-50 dBc at -10 dBm
Option 002
3rd harmonic4
<-25 dBc at 10 dBm6
Frequency range
Option 006
R-channel input requirements
300 kHz to 3 GHz
300 kHz to 6 GHz
<-40 dBc at 0 dBm
<-50 dBc at -10 dBm
<-25 dBc at 10 dBm6
Option 002
Nonharmonic spurious
Power level
300 kHz to 3 GHz 0 to -35 dBm
3 GHz to 6 GHz 0 to -30 dBm
LO spectral purity (typical)
Mixer related
<-30 dBc at 10 dBm6
<-55 dBc at -10 dBm
<-25 dBc
spurious input
Residual FM
<20 kHz
LO frequency accuracy9
1 MHz at nominal frequency
1. Relative to 0 dBm output power.
2. Typical below 300 kHz.
3. 16 MHz to 3 GHz.
4. 16 MHz to 2 GHz.
5. Typical from 2 to 3 GHz for instruments with Option 075.
6. +8 dBm maximum with Option 075, or Option 014.
7. Test performed on port 1 only.
8. Instruments with Option 075 are degraded 2 dB.
9. Typical performance.
10. 25˚ 5˚ C.
11. The HP 8753ES source characteristics and measurement accuracy in this mode are dependent on the stability of the external
LO source. The RF source tracks the LO to maintain a stable IF signal at the R-channel receiver input. Degradation in accuracy
is negligible when using an HP 8642A/B, 8656B, or E4432B RF signal generator as the LO source.
Reference level
Test port input characteristics (continued)
500 dB
0.001 dB
External source mode1 (CW time sweep only)
Frequency range
300 kHz to 6 GHz
30 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
0.02 dB/ ˚C
0.04 dB/ ˚C
R-channel input requirements (typical)
Power level
Spectral purity
0 to -25 dBm
<-30 dBc
Phase characteristics
Dynamic accuracy (10 Hz IF BW)
spurious input
Residual FM
Typical settling
<20 kHz
500 ms (automatic)
(300 kHz to 3GHz)
50 ms (manual)
0.1% (automatic)
Frequency readout
Input frequency accuracy requirement2
-0.5 to 5 MHz
(see magnitude and phase
Magnitude characteristics
Dynamic accuracy (10 Hz IF BW)
(300 kHz to 3GHz)
(3 to 6GHz)
(3 to 6GHz)
Display resolution
Marker resolution
Trace noise
0.01˚/ division
(+5 dBm at test-port, ratio measurement, 3 kHz BW)
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
< 0.038˚ rms
< 0.070˚ rms
Reference level
-180˚ to +180˚
Display resolution 0.001 dB/division
Marker resolution3 0.001 dB
Trace noise
(+5 dBm at test-port, ratio measurement, 3 kHz BW)
300 kHz to 3 GHz < 0.006 dB rms
3 GHz to 6 GHz < 0.010 dB rms
30 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Polar characteristics
0.05˚/ ˚C
0.20˚/ ˚C
10 x 10-12 to 1000 units
full scale
500 units
1. See the HP 8753ES descriptions and options for a functional description. Measurement accuracy is dependent
on the stability of the input signal.
2. Typical performance.
3. Marker resolution for magnitude; phase and delay is dependent upon measured value. Resolution is limited to
five digits.
Test port input characteristics Option 011
HP 8753ES Option 011 specifications
Frequency range
300 kHz to 3 GHz
30 kHz to 6 GHz
Test port output characteristics
Frequency characteristics
Option 006
Average noise level2
300 kHz to 3 GHz
50 kHz to 3 GHz <-90 dBm (3 kHz BW)
50 kHz to 3 GHz <-110 dBm (10 Hz BW)
50 kHz to 3 GHz <-120 dBm (10 Hz BW) typical
Option 006 30 kHz to 6 GHz
1 Hz
typically 7.5 ppm 0˚ to 55 ˚C
typically 3 ppm/year
3 to 6 GHz
3 to 6 GHz
3 to 6 GHz
<-85 dBm (3 kHz BW)
<-105 dBm (10 Hz BW)
<-115 dBm (10 Hz BW) typical
0 dBm
Option 1D5 typically 0.05 ppm 0˚ to 55 ˚C
typically 0.5 ppm/year
10 ppm at 25 ˚C 5 ˚C
-5 to +20 dBm
-5 to +18 dBm
0.01 dB
1.0 dB
0.25 dB, -5 to +15 dBm
0.5 dB, +15 to +20 dBm
50 Ω nominal
Maximum input level
Damage level
Power range
20 dBm or 25 VDC
50 ohms nominal
≥20 dB RL
Option 006
300 kHz to 2 MHz
2 MHz to 1.3 GHz
1.3 GHz to 3 GHz
Option 006
≥24 dB RL
≥19 dB RL
Level accuracy1,2
Level linearity1,2,5
3 GHz to 6 GHz
≥15 dB RL6
300 kHz to 3 GHz2 >16 dB RL (<1.38 SWR)
300 kHz to 6 GHz >14 dB RL (<1.50 SWR)
Spectral purity
Frequency response
300 kHz to 3 GHz
1.0 dB,
2.0 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz
2nd harmonic3 <-40 dBc at +10 dBm6
Harmonics (Option 002)
<-50 dBc at 0 dBm6
2nd harmonic3 <-15 dBc at 0 dBm
Option 002 <-25 dBc at max power
<-30 dBc at -10 dBm6
<-45 dBc at -30 dBm6
3rd harmonic4 <-40 dBc at +10 dBm6
<-50 dBc at 0 dBm6
3rd harmonic4 <-30 dBc at 0 dBm
<-50 dBc at -10 dBm6
Option 002 <-25 dBc at max power
<-50 dBc at -30 dBm6
Nonharmonic spurious6
Harmonic measurement accuracy
Mixer related
<-30 dBc at max power
<-55 dBc at -10 dBm
16 MHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz Option 006
1.5 dB
3 dB
Harmonic measurement dynamic range
-40 dBc6
(output = -10 dBm,
input <-15 dBm)
1. +10 dBm output power for the HP 8753ES Option 011.
2. Typical below 300 kHz.
3. 16 MHz to 3 GHz.
4. 16 MHz to 2 GHz.
5. For HP 8753ES Option 011 and Option 006, linearity is specified for the ranges of -5 to +13 dBm
and +13 to +18 dBm.
6. Typical performance.
Reference level
30 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
HP 8753ES Option 011 specifications
500 dB
0.001 dB
Test port input characteristics (continued)
Frequency offset mode3
Frequency range
300 kHz to 3 GHz
300 kHz to 6 GHz
0.02 dB/ ˚C
0.04 dB/ ˚C
Option 006
R-channel input requirements
Power level
300 kHz to 3 GHz 0 to -35 dBm
Display resolution 0.01˚/ division
Marker resolution5 0.01˚
Trace noise2
30 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
0 to -30 dBm
LO spectral purity
< 0.038˚ rms
< 0.070˚ rms
(+5 dBm at test port, ratio
measurement, 3 kHz BW)
Maximum spurious
<-25 dBc
Residual FM
<20 kHz
LO frequency accuracy 1 MHz at nominal
Reference level
(CW time sweep only)
300 kHz to 6 GHz
30 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Polar characteristics
-180˚ to +180˚
External source mode4
Frequency range
R-channel input requirements1
0.05˚/ ˚C
0.20˚/ ˚C
Power level
0 to -25 dBm
Spectral purity
Maximum spurious
Residual FM
<-30 dBc
<20 kHz
10 x 10-12 to 1000 units full
500 units
Typical settling time1 500 ms (automatic)
50 ms (manual)
Input frequency accuracy requirement1
-0.5 to 5 MHz
0.001 dB/division
0.001 dB
Display resolution
Marker resolution5
Trace noise
(+5 dBm at test-port, ratio measurement, 3 kHz BW)
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
< 0.006 dB rms
< 0.010 dB rms
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
< 0.038
< 0.070
1. Typical performance.
2. Typical below 300 kHz.
3. The HP 8753ES source characteristics and measurement accuracy in this mode are dependent on the stability of the
external LO source. The RF source tracks the LO to maintain a stable IF signal at the R-channel receiver input.
Degradation in accuracy is negligible when using an HP 8642A/B, 8656B, or E4432B RF signal generator as the LO source.
4. See the HP 8753ES descriptions and options for a functional description. Measurement accuracy is dependent on the
stability of the input signal.
5. Marker resolution for magnitude, phase and delay is dependent upon measured value. Resolution is limited to five digits.
Test port input characteristics
HP 8753ET specifications
Frequency range
300 kHz to 3 GHz
Test-port output characteristics
Frequency characteristics
Option 006
300 kHz to 6 GHz
Average noise level
300 kHz to 3 GHz
300 kHz to 3 GHz
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Option 006 300 kHz to 6 GHz
Resolution 1 Hz
7.5 ppm (0˚ to 55 ˚C)
300 kHz to 3 GHz
<-90 dBm (3 kHz BW)
<-110 dBm (10 Hz BW)
<-120 dBm (10 Hz BW) typical
<-85 dBm (3 kHz BW)
<-105 dBm (10 Hz BW)
<-114 dBm (10 Hz BW) typical
3 ppm/year
0.05 ppm (0˚ to 55 ˚C)
Option 1D5
0.5 ppm/year
Power range:
10 ppm at 25 ˚C 5 ˚C
-20 to +5 dBm
-85 to +10 dBm (with Option 004)
0.01 dB
Maximum input level +10 dBm reflection port
0 dBm transmission port
Damage level
>+26 dBm or 35 VDC
50 Ω (nominal)
Level accuracy1
Level linearity1
1.0 dB
Frequency response5
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Harmonics (Option 002)
2nd harmonic2
1.0 dB
2.0 dB
-20 to -15 dBm
-15 to 0 dBm
0 to +5 dBm
0.5 dB
0.2 dB
0.5 dB
<-15 dBc at +8 dBm
<-30 dBc at 0 dBm4
<-45 dBc at -15 dBm4
<-30 dBc at +8 dBm
<-50 dBc at 0 dBm4
<-50 dBc at -15 dBm4
Option 004
-15 to +5 dBm
+5 to +10 dBm
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Spectral purity
2nd harmonic2
0.2 dB
0.5 dB
50 Ω (nominal)
>18 dB RL (< 1.28 SWR)
> 14 dB RL (<1.50 SWR)
3rd harmonic3
Harmonic measurement accuracy5
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
1.5 dB
3 dB (Option 006)
Harmonic measurement dynamic range4
<-40 dBc at 0 dBm4
<-50 dBc at -10 dBm4
<-25 dBc at maximum output
-40 dBc
(output = -10 dBm,
input = <-15 dBm)
Frequency offset mode6
Frequency range
Option 006
Option 002
300 kHz to 3 GHz
300 kHz to 6 GHz
3rd harmonic3
R-channel input requirements
Power level
<-40 dBc at 0 dBm
<-50 dBc at -10 dBm
<-25 dBc at maximum output
300 kHz to 3 GHz 0 to -35 dBm
Option 002
3 GHz to 6 GHz
0 to -30 dBm
LO Spectral purity
Nonharmonic spurious
Maximum spurious <-25 dBc
Mixer related
<-30 dBc at +10 dBm
<-55 dBc at -10 dBm
Residual FM
LO frequency accuracy
<20 kHz
1 MHz at nominal
1. Relative to -5 dBm output power for the HP 8753ET; -10 dBm output power for HP 8753ET with Option 004.
2. 16 MHz to 3 GHz.
3. 16 MHz to 2 GHz.
4. Typical performance.
5. 25˚ C 5˚ C.
6. The HP 8753ET source characteristics and measurement accuracy in this mode are dependent on the stability of the external
LO source. The RF source tracks the LO to maintain a stable IF signal at the R-channel receiver input. Degradation in
accuracy is negligible when using an HP 8642A/B, 8656B, or E4432B RF signal generator as the LO source.
Reference level
HP 8753ET specifications
Test-port input characteristics (continued)
500 dB
(300 kHz to 3 GHz)
External source mode1 (CW time sweep only)
Frequency range
300 kHz to 6 GHz
R-channel input requirements2
Power level
0 to -25 dBm
Spectral purity
Maximum spurious <-30 dBc
Residual FM
Typical settling time
<20 kHz
500 ms (automatic)
50 ms (manual)
0.1% (automatic)
Frequency readout
Input frequency accuracy requirement2
-0.5 to 5 MHz
(See magnitude and phase
(3 to 6 GHz)
Magnitude characteristics
Dynamic accuracy (10 Hz IF BW)
(300 kHz to 3 GHz)
0.001 dB
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
0.02 dB/ 1 ˚C
0.04 dB/ 1 ˚C
(3 to 6 GHz)
Phase characteristics
Dynamic accuracy (10 Hz IF BW)
Display resolution 0.01˚/ division
Marker resolution3 0.01˚
Trace noise
(0 dBm at transmission port or +5 dBm at reflection
port, ratio measurement, 3 kHz BW)
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Reference level
< 0.038˚ rms
< 0.070˚ rms
-180˚ to +180˚
Display resolution 0.001 dB/division
30 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Polar characteristics
0.05˚/ ˚C
0.20˚/ ˚C
Marker resolution3
Trace noise
0.001 dB
(0 dBm at transmission port or +5 dBm at reflection port,
ratio measurement, 3 kHz BW)
10 x 10-12 to 1000 units full
500 units
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
< 0.006 dB rms
< 0.010 dB rms
1. See the HP 8753ET/ES descriptions and options for a functional description. Measurement accuracy is dependent on the
stability of the input signal.
2. Typical performance.
3. Marker resolution for magnitude, phase and delay is dependent upon measured value. Resolution is limited to five digits.
HP 8753ET/ES supplemental
The following graph shows group-delay accuracy at
1.3 GHz with type-N full two-port calibration and
10-Hz IF bandwidth. Insertion loss is assumed to be
< 2 dB and electrical length to be ten meters.
Number of display channels
Four display channels available.
Number of measurement channels
Two primary and two auxiliary measurement channels
Measurement parameters
HP 8753ET: Reflection, transmission, A, B, R, A/R, B/R,
A/B. Conversion to impedance or admittance.
HP 8753ES: S11, S21, S12, S22, A, B, R, A/R, B/R, A/B.
Conversion to impedance or admittance.
Cartesian: log/linear magnitude, phase, group delay,
SWR, real and imaginary.
Source control
Smith chart: with log/linear amplitude and phase,
R + jX, G + jB, or real/imaginary markers.
Polar: with linear/log amplitude, phase, or real and
imaginary markers.
Sweep limits
Set start/stop or center/span of the stimulus parameter
(frequency, power, time) directly through the source
control keys and the control knob, the step keys or the
data entry keyboard.
Data markers
Each display channel has five independent markers
that can be displayed simultaneously. Twenty indepen-
dent markers can be displayed in 4-channel display
mode when markers are uncoupled.
Sweep type
Set a linear or logarithmic sweep, an arbitrarily defined
frequency list, a power sweep or a CW (single frequen-
cy) type of sweep.
Marker functions
Measured number of points per sweep
Linear frequency: choose 3, 11, 26, 51, 101, 201, 401,
801, or 1601 points.
Markers can be used in various functions: Marker
search (Mkr to max, Mkr to min, Mkr to target), Mkr
bandwidth with user-defined target values, Mkr to
start, Mkr to stop, Mkr to center, Mkr to span, Mkr to
reference, Mkr to delay, and trace statistics (average
value, standard deviation, and peak-to-peak deviation
of the data trace between two markers). The tracking
function enables continuous update of marker search
values on each sweep.
Fast swept list
Define up to 30 different sub-sweep frequency ranges
in any combination of CW, center/span, or start-stop
sweep modes. Set test-port power levels and IF band-
width independently for each segment.
Sweep modes
Group delay characteristics
Set a coupled channel sweep (same stimulus condi-
tions on both channels) or an uncoupled channel
Aperture: selectable
Maximum aperture: 20% of frequency span
Minimum aperture: (freq. span) / (number of points
Select whether to alternately or simultaneously (chop)
measure channels when in dual-channel mode. Chop
mode is faster, while alternate mode optimizes dynam-
ic range.
The maximum delay is limited to measuring no more
than 180˚ of phase change within the minimum aper-
ture. Range = 1 / (2 x minimum aperture)
Sweep time
Set sweep time in seconds, minutes or hours.
Automatic sweep time
Select auto sweep time by entering zero seconds
sweep time. The analyzer will sweep at the minimum
sweep time for any subsequently selected stimulus
conditions. Auto sweep time is the default condition.
• TRL*/LRM* calibration
HP 8753ET/ES supplemental
characteristics (continued)
Compensates for directivity, reflection and transmis-
sion frequency response, and crosstalk in both the for-
ward and reverse directions. Especially suitable for
calibrating non-coaxial environments, such as in test
fixtures. TRL*/LRM* is a special implementation of
TRL/LRM calibration, modified for the three-sampler
receiver in the HP 8753ES. Available on HP 8753ES
Sweep trigger
Set to either continuous, single, group sweep, or exter-
nal trigger. Set external trigger to take a complete
sweep or to measure individual points in a frequency,
power or list sweep.
Interpolated error correction
Set source power from -20 to +5 dBm for the
HP 8753ET1 or from -85 to +10 dBm for the
HP 8753ES2. Power slope can be set in dBm/GHz.
With any type of accuracy enhancement applied, inter-
polated mode recalculates the error coefficients when
the test frequencies are changed. The number of
points can be increased or decreased and the
start/stop frequencies can be changed, but the result-
ing frequency span must be a subset of the original cal-
ibration frequency span. System performance is not
specified for measurements with interpolated error
correction applied.
Power meter calibration
Select continuous leveling or use a correction table to
modify source power. The correction table is created
with an initial single sweep. Make single or multiple
power meter readings at each frequency.
Data accuracy enhancement
Velocity factor
Enters the velocity factor to calculate equivalent elec-
Measurement calibration
trical length.
Measurement calibration significantly reduces mea-
surement uncertainty due to errors caused by system
directivity, source and load match, tracking, and
crosstalk. Full two-port calibration removes all the sys-
tematic errors to obtain the most accurate measure-
Reference plane extension
Redefine the plane-of-measurement reference to other
than port 1 or port 2 of the HP 8753ET and 8753ES.
Select default calibration kit
Select from a list of standard calibration kits or choose
a user-defined kit.
Calibration types available
• Frequency response
Data averaging
Simultaneous magnitude and phase correction of fre-
quency response errors for either reflection or trans-
mission measurements.
IF bandwidth:
The IF bandwidth is selectable from 6 kHz to 10 Hz
• Response and isolation
Weighted sweep-to-sweep averaging:
Averages vector data on each successive sweep.
Compensates for frequency response and directivity
(reflection) or frequency response and crosstalk
Trace smoothing
Computes the moving average of adjacent data points.
Smoothing aperture defines the trace width (number
of points) to be averaged, and ranges from 0.25% to
20% of the trace width.
• Enhanced response calibration
Corrects for frequency response and source match for
transmission measurements, and provides one-port
calibration for reflection measurements.
Display control
• One-port calibration
Uses test set port 1 or port 2 to correct for directivity,
frequency response and source match errors.
Display formats
Single-channel, dual-channel overlay (both traces on
one graticule), dual-channel split (each trace on sepa-
rate graticules), three-channel split (each trace on
separate graticules), three-channel overlay (three
traces on one graticule), quad-channel overlay (four
traces on one graticule), quad-channel split (each
trace on separate graticules).
• Two-port calibration
Compensates for directivity, source match, reflection
frequency response, load match, transmission frequen-
cy response and crosstalk for an S-parameter test set.
Crosstalk calibration can be omitted. Available on
HP 8753ES analyzers.
1. -85 to +5 dBm with Option 004.
2. +8 dBm maximum with Option 075 or 014.
Disk drive
HP 8753ET/ES supplemental
characteristics (continued)
Data, instrument states, user graphics, data plots and
test sequences can be stored on internal floppy disk in
MS-DOS® or Hewlett-Packard's standard LIF formats.
Trace functions
Data hardcopy
Display data
Display current measurement data, memory data, or
current measurement with measurement and memory
data simultaneously.
Data plotting
Hardcopy plots are automatically produced with HP-
GL compatible digital plotters. The HP 8753ET/ES pro-
vides Centronics, RS-232C, and GP-IB interfaces.
Trace math
Vector division or subtraction of current linear mea-
surement values and memory data.
Data listings
Printouts of instrument data are directly produced
with a printer such as the HP DeskJet or LaserJet.
Select black & white or color print. For a list of
compatible printers, consult our printer-compatibility
Display annotations
Start/stop, center/span, or CW frequency, source level,
scale/div, reference level, marker data, softkey func-
tions, warning and caution messages, trace identifica-
tion, and pass/fail indication.
Configure plots
Configure plots completely from the network analyzer
by defining pen color and line type for data, text mark-
ers, graticules, and memory traces.
Automatically selects scale resolution and reference
value to center the trace.
Electrical delay
Offset measured phase or group delay by a defined
amount of electrical delay, in seconds.
Plot trace(s), graticule(s), marker(s), or text including
operating and system parameters.
Frequency blanking
Plot entire display in one of four different quadrants of
the plotter paper.
Blank out all frequency information on the display.
Requires an instrument preset to re-enable frequency
information on the display.
System capabilities
Limit lines
Add custom titles (49 characters maximum) to the dis-
Define test limit lines that appear on the display for
go/no go testing. Lines may be any combination of hor-
izontal, sloping lines, or discrete data points. Limit-test
TTL output available for external control or indication.
Adjust display
Customize the color and brightness of the data traces,
memory traces, reference lines, graticules, text, and
warning messages. Default colors can be recalled along
with one set of user-defined display values.
External source mode
The receiver (input R) detects and phase-locks to any
externally generated CW signal. Receiver inputs A and
B will measure this same frequency for comparison or
tracking measurements.
Instrument state
Up to 31 instrument states can be stored internally or
recalled via the SAVE/RECALL menu. Instrument
states include all control settings, active limit lines,
active list frequency tables, memory trace data, active
calibration coefficients, and custom display titles.
Storage is in nonvolatile memory.
The input signal frequency is counted and
Measures the input signal closest to the frequency
specified by the user (within +0.5 to +5 MHz).
Test sequences
Six measurement sequences can be stored or recalled
via the sequencing menu. Sequences may also be
recalled from Preset menu. Sequence register 6 is part
of nonvolatile storage and is not erased during a power
cycle. If sequence 6 is titled AUTO, it will be executed
when power is turned on.
Tuned receiver
Tunes the receiver for a synthesized CW input signal at
a precisely specified frequency. The time bases of the
external RF source or sources must be tied to the
external reference input (rear panel BNC). The built-
in RF source is not used.
• Low-pass impulse
This stimulus is also used to measure low-pass devices.
HP 8753ET/ES supplemental
characteristics (continued)
• Bandpass impulse
Frequency offset on/off
The bandpass impulse stimulates a pulsed RF signal
(with an impulse envelope) and is used to measure the
time-domain response of band-limited devices.
Sets the RF source to be swept at a fixed offset fre-
quency above the receiver as required in a swept
RF/IF, fixed LO, mixer test.
Service menu
The windowing function can be used to modify (filter)
the frequency-domain data and thereby reduce over-
shoot and ringing in the time-domain response. Three
types of windows are available: minimum, normal, and
Select the desired service test, service diagnostic, ser-
vice or verification mode.
Test sequences
Create, edit, save or recall a series of front-panel key-
strokes to automate a measurement. Test sequences
may contain basic stimulus and measurement func-
tions (frequency, power, parameter, format, scale)
advanced operations (time domain, limit testing, dis-
play marker values) and basic logical branching (IF
limit test fails DO sequence 5 or GOSUB).
The gating function can be used to selectively remove
reflection or transmission time-domain responses. In
converting back to the frequency-domain the effects of
the responses outside the gate are removed.
Remote programming
Test sequences can be stored internally to a disk drive
and can be loaded from a computer over the GP-IB
interface. Sequence 6 is saved in nonvolatile storage
and can be used as an autostart routine when titled
HP-IB interface operates to IEEE 488-1978 and IEC
625 standards and IEEE 728-1982 recommended prac-
The GP-IB address can be verified or set from the
front panel via the local menu and can range from 0 to
30 decimal (factory set at 16).
General purpose input/output
Read or write bits to the output port to control exter-
nal devices such as part handlers. Eight output and
five input TTL lines are available on the parallel port.
Pass control
Allows the HP 8753ET/ES to request control of the
GP-IB (when an active controller is present) whenever
it needs to output to a plotter or printer.
Other functions
PAUSE/continue, wait, title sequence, print sequence,
duplicate sequence, pause and select.
System controller
Lets an HP 8753ET/ES become a controller on the
GP-IB to directly control a plotter or a printer.
Time-domain (Option 010)
With the time-domain option, data from transmission
or reflection measurements in the frequency domain
are converted to the time domain using a Fourier
transformation technique (chirp Z) and presented on
the display. The time-domain response shows the mea-
sured parameter value versus time. Markers may also
be displayed in electrical length (or physical length if
the relative propagation velocity is entered).
Lets the HP 8753ET/ES become an GP-IB talker/listen-
er when an external controller is present.
Transfer formats
Binary (internal 48-bit floating-point complex format)
ASCII 32- or 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point format
User-accessible graphics
Time stimulus modes
Using a subset of HP Graphics Language (HP-GL),
vector or text graphics may be written on the
HP 8753ET/ES via GP-IB. Up to 5 kbytes of data can
be stored at one time (4 bytes per vector, 2 bytes per
Two types of time excitation stimulus waveforms can
be simulated during the transformations, a step and an
• Low-pass step
This stimulus, similar to a traditional time-domain reflec-
tometer (TDR) stimulus waveform, is used to measure
low-pass devices. The frequency-domain data should
extend from DC (extrapolated value) to a higher value.
Interface function codes
SH1, AH1, T6, TE0, L4, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1,
DT0, C1, C2, C3, C10, E2
Test sequence output (TEST SEQ)
General characteristics
By default, this connector outputs a TTL end-of-sweep
signal. It can also be programmed by the user in a test
sequence to output a user-defined TTL signal. BNC (f)
Front panel connectors
HP 8753ES test ports (without Option 011)
Connector type 7 mm, precision
50 ohms (nominal)
Limit test output (LIMIT TEST)
This connector outputs a TTL signal of the limit test
results. Pass: TTL high. Fail: TTL low. BNC (f) connec-
HP 8753ES Option 011 test ports
Connector type Type-N female
50 ohms (nominal)
Test-port bias input (BIAS CONNECT)
(HP 8753ES only)
HP 8753ES Option 075 test ports
Connector type
Type-N female
75 ohms (nominal)
Maximum voltage
Maximum current
(no degradation in RF specs)
Maximum current
+30 VDC
200 mA
1 A
BNC (f)
HP 8753ET test ports
Connector type
Type-N female
50 ohms (nominal)
VGA video output (EXT MON)
Probe power
+15V 2% 400 mA
This connector drives external VGA monitors.
(combined load for both
probe connections)
-12.6V 5.5% 300 mA
(combined load for both
probe connections)
This connector allows communications with compati-
ble devices including external controllers, printers,
plotters, disk drives, and power meters.
Rear-panel connectors
Parallel port
This 25-pin female connector is used with parallel
peripherals. It can also be used as a general purpose
I/O port.
External reference frequency input (EXT REF INPUT)
1, 2, 5, and 10 MHz
( 200 Hz at 10 MHz)
-10 dBm to +20 dBm, (typical)
50 ohms
This 9-pin male connector is used with serial
BNC (f)
High-stability frequency reference output
(Option 1D5)
DIN keyboard
This mini-DIN connector is used for adding an
IBM PC-AT compatible keyboard.
Frequency stability 0.05 ppm
(0 ˚C to 55 ˚C)
10.0000 MHz
Test set interconnect
Daily aging rate
This connector is used to connect an HP 8753ES
Option 011 to the HP 85046A/B or 85047A test set.
HP 8753ES analyzers without Option 011 can use sig-
nal levels on this connector for sequencing or general
purpose I/O applications.
(after 30 days)
Yearly aging rate
Nominal output
0.5 ppm/year
0 dBm minimum
50 Ω Connector BNC (f)
Internal memory
External auxiliary input (AUX INPUT)
Typical data retention time with 3V, 1.2 Ah battery:
Input voltage limits -10V to +10V
At 25 ˚C
At 40 ˚C
At 70 ˚C
11904 days (32.6 years)
1244 days (3.4 years)
250 days (0.68 year)
External AM input (EXT AM)
1 volt into a 5 k
1 kHz maximum, resulting in
approximately 8 dB/volt
amplitude modulation.
BNC (f) connector.
Line power
48 Hz to 66 Hz
115V nominal (90V to 132V) or 230V nominal
(198V to 264V).
280 VA max.
External trigger (EXT TRIGGER)
Triggers on a negative TTL
transition or contact closure
to ground. BNC (f) connector.
is the upper frequency limit of the associated test set.
2. Degrees, specified as deviation from linear phase.
Environmental characteristics
Measurement throughput summary
General conditions
RFI and EMI susceptibility: defined by VDE 0730,
CISPR Publication 11, and FCC Class B Standards.
The following table shows typical measurement times
in milliseconds.
Typical time for completion (msec)
Number of Points
ESD (electrostatic discharge): must be eliminated by
use of static-safe work procedures and an anti-static
bench mat. The flexible rubber keypad protects key
contacts from dust, but the environment should be as
dust-free as possible for optimal reliability.
Start=1 GHz, Span=10 MHz, IFBW=6 kHz
Uncorrected, 1-port calibration:
Two-port calibration:2
Operating conditions
Start=30 kHz, Stop=3 GHz, IFBW=6 kHz
(unless otherwise noted) 0˚ to 55 ˚C
Uncorrected, 1-port calibration
Two-port calibration2
5% to 95% at 40 ˚C
0 to 4500 meters
(15,000 feet)
Start=30 kHz, Stop=6 GHz, IFBW=6 kHz
Uncorrected, 1-port calibration
Two-port calibration2
Non-operating storage conditions
-40 ˚C to +70 ˚C
0 to 90% relative at
+65 ˚C (non-
0 to 15,240 meters
(50,000 feet)
Time domain (increase over uncorrected sweep time)3
GP-IB data transfer4
Internal binary
IEEE 754 floating point format
Weight (HP 8753ET/ES)
21 kg (46 lb)
35 kg (77 lb)
Cabinet dimensions (HP 8753ET/ES)
(These dimensions exclude front and rear panel
Harmonic measurements (Option 002)
Measures amplifier 2nd and 3rd harmonics on a swept-
frequency basis for fundamental signals above 16 MHz.
222 mm H x 425 mm W x 457 mm D
(8.75 in x 16.75 in x 18.0 in)
Dynamic range (source at +10 dBm,
receiver <+30 dBm) +40 dBc (minimum)
1 dB (< 6 GHz)
Step attenuator (Option 004)
Provides source output power range from
-85 to +10 dBm for HP 8753ET model.
6 GHz operation (Option 006)
With Option 006, performance is extended to 6 GHz.
When external source, tuned receiver or harmonic
mode is used, the receiver is capable of measuring sig-
nals up to 6 GHz.
Time domain (Option 010)
Transforms data from the frequency domain to the
time domain using a Fourier transformation technique.
HP 8753ET/ES physical dimensions
High-stability frequency reference (Option 1D5)
This option adds an ovenized 10-MHz frequency refer-
ence output. It is connected to the external reference
input on the rear panel. See the “General
Characteristics” section for below specifications.
1. One-port calibration, with a 6 kHz IF bandwidth. Includes system retrace time, but
does not include bandswitch time. Time-domain gating is assumed off.
2. Same as footnote 1, but for an S21 measurement with full two-port calibration. Includes RF switching time.
3. Option 010 only, gating off.
4. Measured with an HP Omnibook 7100 266 MHz Pentium II computer.
5. Does not include error from the HP 8753T/ES source and receiver harmonics.
A standard HP 85046A/B test set contains a solid-state
transfer switch, which allows continuous switching of
power from port 1 to port 2 for full two-port error cor-
rection. Option 009 replaces the transfer switch with a
mechanical switch. This provides about 1.5 dB more
power at the test port, but does not allow continuous
switching, so the user must initiate updates of all four
S-parameters for full two-port error correction. Also,
the mechanical switch has relays that will wear out
faster than the solid-state switch. Approximate lifetime
of the mechanical switch is 1 million cycles.
Test set specifications for Option 011
HP 85046A/B S-parameter test sets
The HP 85046A/B S-parameter test sets provide the
capability to measure reflection and transmission char-
acteristics (including S-parameters) of two-port
devices in either direction with a single connection.
The test sets are controlled from the HP 8753ES
Option 011 and include a programmable step attenua-
tor. The frequency range of the HP 85046A 50-ohm
test set is 300 kHz to 3 GHz. The HP 85046A has preci-
sion 7-mm connectors. The frequency range of the
HP 85046B 75-ohm test set is 300 kHz to 2 GHz. The
HP 85046B has 75-ohm type-N(f) connectors. Both
connectors can be adapted to other interfaces with
the appropriate precision adapters.
HP 85046A/B Specifications
Note: Specifications that apply only to the HP 85046
are indicated in parentheses.
Frequency range
50 ohm (75 ohm)
300 kHz to 3 GHz
(300 kHz to 2 GHz)
35 dB to 1.3 GHz
30 dB to F
Typical tracking
Transmission magnitude, phase2
0.3 MHz to 2.0 MHz
1.5 dB, 20˚
1.5 dB, 10˚
2.0 MHz to F
Reflection magnitude, phase2
0.3 MHz to 2.0 MHz
1.5 dB, 25˚
1.5 dB, 10˚
2.0 MHz to F
Effective source match
0.3 MHz to 2.0 MHz
2.0 MHz to 1.3 GHz
14 dB
20 dB (17 dB)
16 dB
HP 85046A schematic
1.3 GHz to F
Nominal insertion loss
Input to test port
Input to incident
Port 1, 2 to A, B
14 dB + 0.5 dB/GHz
(19.5 dB + 1 dB/GHz)
18 dB + 1.5 dB/GHz
(18 dB + 1.5 dB/GHz)
6.5 dB + 1.0 dB/GHz
(12 dB + 0.5 dB GHz)
Test set switch/repeatability
0.03 dB; 0.01 dB3
+20 dBm
+30 dBm
Max. operating level
Damage level
RF attenuator range
DC bias range
70 dB, 10 dB steps
30 VDC, 200 mA4
500 mA max
DC bias connectors
50 ohm BNC (f)
four 190 mm (7.5 in) type-N
cables and test set
interconnect cable.
90 mm H x 432 mm W x 553 mm D
9.1 kg (20 lb)
is the upper frequency limit of the associated test set.
2. Degrees, specified as deviation from linear phase.
3. Typical performance.
4. Some degradation of RF specifications may occur.
HP 85047A S-parameter test set
Maximum operating level
Damage level
+20 dBm
+30 dBm
The HP 85047A S-parameter test set provides the
capability to simultaneously measure the reflection
and transmission characteristics of two-port devices in
either direction with a single connection. This test set
includes a frequency doubler that can be switched in
by an HP 8753B/C Option 006 to measure 3 MHz to 6
GHz in a single sweep or switched out to measure 300
kHz to 3 GHz in a single sweep. The HP 8753ES
Option 011 does not use the frequency doubler, so the
full 300 kHz to 6 GHz range is available. This test set
RF attenuator range
DC bias range
70 dB (10 dB steps)
30 VDC, 200 mA, no
degradation in RF
specs, 1A max.
RF connectors
Port 1,2
7 mm precision
50 ohm type-N(f)
All others
90 mm H x 432 mm W x 553 mm D
10 kg (22 lb)
exhibits <5 dB insertion loss between the RF input and A standard HP 85047A test set contains a solid-state
the test ports for as high as 15 dBm at the test port,
and also includes a programmable step attenuator.
transfer switch, which allows continuous switching of
power from port 1 to port 2 for full two-port error cor-
There are two rear panel BNC outputs. One provides a rection. Option 009 replaces the transfer switch with a
TTL signal which indicates the result of a limit test.
The second TTL output is controlled from the
HP 8753ES test sequence function.
mechanical switch. This provides about 2.5 to 3.5 dB
more power at the test port, but does not allow contin-
uous switching, so the user must initiate updates of all
four S-parameters for full two-port error correction.
Also, the mechanical switch has relays that will wear
out faster than the solid-state switch. Approximate
lifetime of the mechanical switch is 1 million cycles.
50 ohms
300 kHz to 3 GHz and
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Frequency range
(HP 8753B/C);
300 kHz to 6 GHz
(HP 8753D/E/ES Opt. 006)
300 kHz to 1.3 GHz 35 dB2
1.3 GHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
30 dB
25 dB
Typical tracking1
Transmission magnitude, phase3
300 kHz to 3 GHz
1.5 dB, 10˚
3 GHz to 6 GHz
+0.5, -2.5 dB, 20˚
Reflection magnitude, phase3
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Source match1
1.5 dB, 10˚
1.5 dB, 20˚
300 kHz to 1.3 GHz 20 dB
1.3 GHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
16 dB
14 dB
Normal insertion loss
Input to port 1,2
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
4.0 dB +0.8 dB/GHz
17.5 dB +0.8 dB/GHz
Input to R
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Port 1,2 to A,B
Typical Isolation4
300 kHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Test port switch
19 dB +0.5 dB/GHz
34 dB +0.5 dB/GHz
16 dB
HP 85047A schematic
100 dB
90 dB
0.03 dB; 0.01 dB4
1. This can be greatly improved with accuracy enhancement.
2. Some degradation at environmental extremes below 600 kHz.
3. Degrees, specified as deviation from linear phase.
4. Typical performance.
HP 85033D 3.5-mm calibration kit
Contains a set of precision 3.5-mm standards to cali-
brate the HP 8753ES and 50-ohm test sets for the
measurement of devices with precision 3.5-mm and
SMA connectors. Precision phase-matched 7-mm to
3.5-mm adapters are included for accurate measure-
ments of non-insertable devices. Option 001 deletes
the 7-mm to type-N adapters.
Calibration kits
Vector accuracy enhancement procedures require that
the systematic errors of the measurement system be
characterized by measuring known devices (standards)
on the system over the frequency range of interest.
Return loss specifications or typical values are provid-
ed where available for the terminations and adapters.
HP part number
3.5-mm-male 50-ohm termination
HP 85031B 7-mm calibration kit
3.5-mm-female 50-ohm termination 85033-60010
3.5-mm-female short
3.5-mm-male short
3.5-mm-female open
3.5-mm-male open
7-mm to 3.5-mm female
adapter (two)
Contains precision 7-mm standards used to calibrate
the HP 8753ES for measurement of devices with preci-
sion 7-mm connectors.
HP part number
7 mm short/open circuit
7 mm 50-ohm terminations
(two each)
7-mm to 3.5-mm male
adapter (two)
Specifications for terminations:
DC to 1.3 GHz
1.3 to 3 GHz
3 to 6 GHz
Typical adapter characteristics:
DC to 6 GHz
Specifications for terminations
DC to 5 GHz
RL ≥ 46 dB
RL ≥ 44 dB
RL ≥ 38 dB
RL ≥ 52 dB
RL ≥ 46 dB
5 to 6 GHz
HP 85032B 50-ohm type-N calibration kit
RL ≥ 34 dB
Contains precision 50-ohm type-N standards used to
calibrate the HP 8753ET/ES and 50-ohm test sets for
measurement of devices with 50-ohm type-N connec-
tors. Precision phase-matched 7-mm to type-N
adapters are included for accurate measurements of
non-insertable devices. Option 001 deletes the 7-mm
to type-N adapters, which are not needed with the
HP 8753ET.
HP 85036B 75-ohm type-N calibration kit
Contains a set of precision 75-ohm type-N standards to
calibrate the HP 8753ES with a 75-ohm test set for
measurement of devices with 75-ohm type-N connec-
tors. Precision phased-matched adapters are included
for accurate measurements of non-insertable devices.
HP part number
HP part number
N-male 75-ohm termination
N-female 75-ohm termination
N-female 75-ohm short
N-male 75-ohm short
N-female open
N-male open
N-male to N-male 75-ohm adapter
N-male 50-ohm termination
N-female 50-ohm termination
N-male short circuit
N-female short circuit
N-female open circuit
N-male open circuit
7-mm to N-male adapter
(two each)
N-female to N-female 75-ohm adapter 85036-60014
N-male to N-female 75-ohm adapter
Specifications for terminations:
DC to 2 GHz
7-mm to N-female adapter
(two each)
RL ≥ 46 dB
RL ≥ 40 dB
Specifications for terminations:
DC to 3 GHz
2 to 3 GHz
RL ≥ 49 dB
RL ≥ 46 dB
RL ≥ 40 dB
2 to 3 GHz
3 to 6 GHz
Typical adapter characteristics:
DC to 6 GHz
RL ≥ 30 dB
HP 85038 family of calibration kits
HP 11906B 7-16 to 50-Ohm type-N adapter kit
HP Part Number
The HP 85038A calibration kit contains open circuits,
short circuits, and terminations with both male and
female 7-16 connectors. More economical versions of
this kit are available: the HP 85038M contains only
Type-N male to
7-16 male adapter
Type-N female to
7-16 female adapter
male devices, and the HP 85038F provides only female Type-N female to
devices (see following table). Each kit contains a flop-
py disk with the calibration kit definition for use with
HP 8712, 8714, 8753, 8719, 8720, 8722, and 8510C net-
work analyzers.
7-16 male adapter
Type-N male to
7-16 female adapter
HP 11906C 7-16 to 7-mm adapter kit
Contents of 7-16 Calibration Kits
7-mm to 7-16 male adapter
7-mm to 7-16 female adapter
HP Part Number
HP Part Number HP 85038A HP 85038M HP 85038F
Open circuit, female 85038-80002
Open circuit, male 85038-80003
Short circuit, female 85038-80004
Short circuit, male 85038-80005
Termination, female 85038-80006
HP 11906D 7-16 to 3.5-mm adapter kit
3.5-mm male to
7-16 male adapter
3.5-mm male to
7-16 female adapter
3.5-mm female to
7-16 male adapter
3.5-mm female to
7-16 female adapter
HP Part Number
Termination, male
7-16 adapter,
7-16 adapter,
Calibration kit data disk 85038-10001
Torque wrench
Open-end wrench
HP 85039B type-F calibration kit
Contains a set of 75-ohm type-F standards to calibrate
the HP 8753ES with a 75-ohm test set for the mea-
surement of devices with type-F connectors.
Frequency coverage
dc to 7.5 GHz
(usable to 8 GHz)
50 ohms
Nominal impedance
Open circuits
HP part number
Reflection phase
1 degree from nominal
Reflection phase
1 degree from nominal
Return loss > 40 dB
Return loss > 40 dB
(VSWR < 1.02)
F-male 75-ohm termination 85039-60007
F-female 75-ohm termination 85039-60004
Specifications for termination
Short circuits
DC to 1 GHz
1 to 3 GHz
RL ≥ 45 dB
RL ≥ 38 dB
7-16 to 7-16 adapters
F-male 75-ohm short
F-female 75-ohm short
F-male 75-ohm open
F-female 75-ohm open
F-female to F-female
75-ohm adapter
7-16 to 50 ohm type-N Return loss > 36 dB
adapters (VSWR < 1.03)
7-16 to 7-mm adapters Return loss > 38 dB
(VSWR < 1.025)
7-16 to 3.5-mm adapters Return loss > 34 dB
(VSWR < 1.04)
F-male to F-male
75-ohm adapter
Typical type-F adapter
DC to 1 GHz
HP 11906 family of adapter kits
RL ≥ 40 dB
RL ≥ 32 dB
1 to 3 GHz
The HP 11906 family consists of four adapter kits:
F-female to N-male
75-ohm adapter
F-male to N-female
75-ohm adapter
HP 11906A 7-16 to 7-16 adapter kit
HP Part Number
7-16 male-to-male adapter
7-16 female-to-female adapter
7-16 male-to-female adapter
Typical type-F to type-N adapter
DC to 1 GHz
1 to 3 GHz
RL ≥ 38 dB
RL ≥ 32 dB
HP 11850C/D three-way power splitters
Verification kits
HP 11850C
50 ohms
DC to 3 GHz
25 dB, 3˚
HP 11850D
75 ohms
DC to 2 GHz
2 dB, 2.5˚
Measuring known devices other than the standards
used in calibration is an easy way to verify the proper
operation of an HP 8753ES measurement system. HP
offers verification kits which include devices, with
data, for verifying the error-corrected measurements
of an HP 8753ES and 50-ohm test sets.
Frequency range
source match
30 dB at 1.3 GHz
30 dB at 1.3 GHz
(ratio or leveling) 20 dB at 3 GHz 20 dB at 2 GHz
9.5 dB + 1 dB/GHz 7.8 dB
HP 85029B 7-mm verification kit
insertion loss
Input port match
DC to 1.3 GHz
1.3 GHz to Fmax
operating level
Damage level
RF connectors
Contains a set of precision 7-mm devices, with data
traceable to NIST* for verifying the calibrated perfor-
mance of an HP 8753E measurement system.
The HP 85031B 7-mm calibration kit is required for
complete verification.
20 dB
10 dB
20 dB
10 dB
+20 dB
+30 dB
+20 dB
+30 dB
Test-port return cables
RF input
50-ohm type-N (f) 50-ohm type-N(f)
All others 50-ohm type-N (f) 75-ohm type-N(f)
Hewlett-Packard offers high-quality RF cables to con-
nect the HP 8753ET/ES and test sets to devices under
test. These cables offer excellent RF shielding for
high- dynamic-range measurements.
Three HP 11852B 50-to 75-ohm
minimum-loss pads
Recommended accessories
HP 11851B RF cable kit
HP 11851B 50-ohm type-N RF cable kit
Recommended for use with the HP 11850C/D three-
way power splitters. Kit includes three phase-matched
610-mm (24-in.) cables and one 860-mm (34-in.)
HP 11667A 50-ohm power splitter
Frequency range
Typical insertion loss
Equivalent source match
DC to 4 GHz
4 GHz to 8 GHz
8 GHz to 18 GHz
DC to 18 GHz
6 dB
Return loss
> 24 dB to 3 GHz
4˚ at 1.3 GHz
26 dB
21 dB
17 dB
Phase tracking
HP 8120-5639 50-ohm type-N RF cable
A 50-ohm type-N test port cable (both connectors are
type-N male).
(between output arms)
DC to 4 GHz
15 dB
4 GHz to 8 GHz
8 GHz to 18 GHz
Maximum operating level
2 dB
Return loss
> 30dB to 6 GHz
25 dB
27 dBm
50-ohm type-N (f)
HP 11857B 75-ohm type-N test port
return cables
A pair of 610-mm (24-in.) test port return cables for
use with the HP 8753ES or HP 85046B 75-ohm S-para-
meter test set.
Option 001
RF input
type-N (m)
type-N (f)
Option 002
RF input
type-N (f) on RF
precision 7-mm
46 mm H x 52 mmW x
19 mm D
Return loss
Phase tracking
> 24 dB to 2 GHz
2˚ at 1.3 GHz
(1.8 x 2.0 x 0.7 in)
HP 11857D 7-mm test-port return cables
A pair of 610-mm (24-in.) test port return cables for
use with the HP 8753ES with the HP 85046A and
85047A S-parameter test sets. These cables can be
used with connector types other than 7-mm with the
appropriate precision adapters.
Recommended accessories
HP 11851B RF cable kit
HP 11852B 50-ohm to 75-ohm minimum loss pad
Frequency range
Nominal insertion loss
Return loss
DC to 3.0 GHz
5.7 dB
Return loss
> 24 dB to 3 GHz
> 20 dB to 6 GHz
2˚ at 1.3 GHz
300 kHz to 2 GHz
32 dB
Phase tracking
2 GHz to 3 GHz
27 dB
Maximum input power
250 mW (+24 dBm)
HP 11857F type-F test-port return cables
Type-F test port cable set (75-ohm). Includes one
cable with type-N(male) to type-F(male) connectors
and one cable with type-N(male) to type-F(female)
HP 11852B 50-ohm to 75-ohm minimum loss pad
RF limiter
Externally attaches to one or both ports of the analyz-
er. Provides protection against potential high-power
transients from external devices.
50-ohm type-N (f) to
75-ohm type-N (m)
standard Option 004,
50-ohm type-N (m) to
75-ohm type-N (f)
14-mm D x 70-mm L
(0.56 in x 2.75 in)
HP 11930A 7-mm RF limiter
Frequency range
Nominal insertion loss
DC to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Return loss
DC to 6 GHz
Net 0.1 kg (0.316 lb)
1.0 dB
1.5 dB
50-ohm accessory kits
The HP 11853A 50-ohm type-N and the HP 11854A
50-ohm BNC accessory kits provide the RF compo-
nents generally required when using either the
HP 85046A, 85047A or 11850C with the HP 8753ES
Option 011 when measuring devices having 50-ohm
type-N or BNC connectors. These kits are supplied
with a storage case.
DC to 3 GHz
22 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Maximum input power
Maximum DC
20 dB
30 V, 350 mA
HP 11930B 50-ohm type-N RF limiter2
Frequency range
Nominal insertion loss
5 MHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
5 MHz to 6 GHz
1.0 dB1
1.5 dB
HP 11853A 50-ohm type-N accessory kit
Type-N (f) short
Type-N (m) short
Type-N (m) to N (m) adapter
Type-N (f) to N (f) adapter
HP part number
HP 11511A
HP 11512A
Return loss
5 MHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
Maximum input power
21 dB1
17 dB
HP 85024A high-frequency probe
HP 11854A 50-ohm BNC accessory kit
HP part number
Two probes may be powered directly from the front panel
of the HP 8753ET/ES. Refer to technical specifications,
HP literature #5954-8393, for more information.
Type-N (m) to BNC female adapter
Type-N (m) to BNC male adapter
Type-N (f) to BNC male adapter
Type-N (f) to BNC female adapter
BNC (m) short
Input capacitance (at 500 MHz)
Input resistance
<0.7 pF (nominal)
1 Megohm (nominal)
300 kHz to 3 GHz
0 dB 1 dB
75-ohm accessory kits
Gain (at 500 MHz)
Frequency response
300 kHz to 1 GHz
The HP 11855A 75-ohm type-N and the HP 11856A
75-ohm BNC accessory kits provide the RF compo-
nents generally required when using either the
HP 85046B or the HP 11850D power splitter with the
HP 8753ES Option 011 when measuring devices having
75-ohm type-N or BNC connectors. These kits are sup-
plied with a storage case.
1 dB
+2, -3 dB
1 GHz to 3 GHz
Input voltage for < 1 dB compression
0.3 V
Supplement characteristics
Noise figure
<100 MHz
< 50 dB
HP 11855A 75-ohm type-N accessory kit
100 MHz to 3 GHz
< 25 dB
Type-N (f) short
Type-N (m) short
Type-N (m) to N (m) adapter
Type-N (f) to N (f) adapter
Type-N (m) termination
HP part number
HP part/model number
HP 11880A
HP 11881A
HP 10229
Type-N (m) adapter
10:1 divider
Spare 12 mil probes
2.5-inch ground lead
Hook tip
Spanner tip
Probe tip nut driver
HP 11856A 75-ohm BNC accessory kit
HP part number
Type-N (m) to BNC (f) adapter 1250-1535
Type-N (m) to BNC (m) adapter 1250-1533
Type-N (f) to BNC (m) adapter 1250-1534
Type-N (f) to BNC (f) adapter 1250-1536
BNC (m) short
BNC (m) termination
1. Return loss and insertion loss limited below 16 MHz by series capacitor.
2. Internal bias tees cannot be used with this limiter.
HP 8347A RF amplifier
The HP 8347A RF amplifier delivers increased power across a
300 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range.
For more information about
Hewlett-Packard test and measure-
ment products, applications,
services, and for a current sales
office listing, visit our web site,
can also contact one of the following
centers and ask for a test and
measurement sales representative.
The HP 8347A provides leveled output power without using an
external coupler and detector, since these parts are built-in. The
external ALC can be directly connected to the external AM input on
the HP 8753ET/ES. This capability is especially useful for achieving
high dynamic range measurements at faster sweep rates.
100 kHz to 3 GHz
25 dB minimum
+5 dBm to +20 dBm
United States:
Hewlett-Packard Company
Test and Measurement Call Center
P.O. Box 4026
Englewood, CO 80155-4026
1 800 452 4844
Output power (leveled)
Maximum output power 24 dBm (typical)
Leveled power flatness
1.5 dB
50 ohms nominal
Hewlett-Packard Canada Ltd.
5150 Spectrum Way
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5G1
(905) 206 4725
2.2:1 max
1.6:1 (ALC on)
Spectral purity
-20 dBc at dBm
Third-order intercept
Typical noise figure
100 MHz to 3 GHz
RF connectors
+30 dBm (nominal)
European Marketing Centre
P.O. Box 999
1180 AZ Amstelveen
The Netherlands
(31 20) 547 9900
13.5 dB
Type-N female
102-mm H x 213-mm
W x 297-mm D
(4.0 in x 8.4 in x 11.7 in)
net 3.5 kg (7.7 lb)
Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd.
Measurement Assistance Center
9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi,
Tokyo 192, Japan
Tel: (81) 426-56-7832
Fax: (81) 426-56-7840
Latin America:
Latin American Region Headquarters
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, 9th Floor
Miami, Florida 33126, U.S.A.
(305) 267 4245/4220
Australia/New Zealand:
Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd.
31-41 Joseph Street
Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia
1 800 629 485
Asia Pacific:
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Ltd
19/F Cityplaza One
1111 King's Road
Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
tel: 852-2599-7777
fax: 852-2506-9285
Data Subject to Change
Copyright © 1999
Hewlett-Packard Company
Printed in U.S.A. 8/99
MS-DOS is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Pentium is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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